"Online tutoring and homework help for U.S. military and their families provided 24/7 at no cost by the U.S. Department of Defense and Coast Guard Mutual Assistance.
United Through Reading
"United Through Reading connects military families who are separated - for deployment or military assignment - by providing the bonding experience of shared storytime."
"Resiliency training for military families and couples."
Military OneSource: Support for Military Personnel & Families
"Active duty military resource website, offering 24/7 support for service members, spouses, their family and survivors on taxes, moving, benefits, MWR and more."
Sesame Street for Military Families
"Sesame Street for Military Families is a free, bilingual (English and Spanish) website where families can find information and multimedia resources on the topics of military deployments, multiple deployments, homecomings, injuries, grief, and self-expression."
Military Liaisons Worldwide
Locate your school's military liaison using the link above!